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Open Displays a page from your computer, local network, or the Internet.
Save As Saves the current file to your computer.
Send Sends e-mail.
Page Setup Sets the margins and header and footer information for pages.
Print Prints the contents of the current window.
Properties Displays the properties of the selected item.
More History Displays more recently visited pages.
Exit Quits Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Copy Copies the current selection onto the Clipboard.
Paste Inserts the items that you have cut or copied into the selected location.
Select All Selects all the text on the page.
Find Searches the current page for a word or phrase.
Address Bar Shows or hides the address bar.
Status Bar Shows or hides the status bar.
Fonts Changes the font size that pages are displayed in.
Stop Stops the current action.
Refresh Reloads the current page.
Source Displays the HTML source for the current page.
Options Opens a dialog box in which you can change user
Forward Displays the page you viewed after the current page, if you've used the Back button.
Start Page Opens the start page.
Search the Internet Opens the search page.
Internet Explorer Updates Connects you to
to enable you to view and download the latest version of Microsoft
Internet Explorer for Windows 3.1.
Add To Favorites Adds the current page to your Favorites
About Microsoft Internet Explorer Displays program information, version number, and copyright.
Commands for working with windows